Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Best Investment: Residential Real Estate Part – 3

In our previous 2 posts we discussed what are the markets where to buy properties and why these markets are great. Here I will go over a number of reasons why I think they are going to become some of the best investments ever. If you are able to become an investor at this time it can be very exciting.

Today, as discussed earlier, banks do not provide loans to most borrowers that were and are interested in buying in these markets. In addition, banks do not provide investment loans anymore, or stated income loans, or more than 4 loans per borrowers etc.. the pool of available buyers as dried up severely. We could argue that banks are over reacting in the other direction before they were over lending, now they are under lending. By not lending they by default depreciate price even further allowing investors to buy at price that are arguably undervalued. Once lending restart at more “normal” level, values will by default increase providing investors some appreciation.

Borrowers who once where qualified to have bank loans will not be able to qualify for a number of years. As the owner of a property, investors will be able to become lenders by selling the property at a new market value and holding the note doing an owner financing. It is clear that owner financing is going to become very popular. Here are the math:
- Investors: bought property for $100 with $30 down and having a loan for $70
- 2 years Later: Investor sells property for $130, asking for 20% Down Payment and carrying a note for $104. Doing so investor recoup initial investment and now is a lender.

This is a great solution as well. Investors buying at low price are able to rent properties and get positive cash flow which was much more difficult few years ago. As financial conditions improve investors will be able to get new financing on their property at lower costs increasing their cash flow per property. Properties define as Single family residence, condos etc.. are becoming stable and good source of revenues.

These reasons and other make hard money lenders interested in working with investors. Trust deed investors will see their capital more protected than before.

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