Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Land Financing - Not That Simple!

It has always been a little more complicated to evaluate land financing than any other real estate transactions. In part because there are much less land transactions so less comparables. In addition, different pieces of lands, even geographically closely related, may have significant different usage. This being said, there is still a need to provide financing for land and land development.

When thiniking of land value here are couple of pointers for you and your clients to consider. If the land is supposed to be developped for residential purpose make sure the final value of the lot make sense. The estimated value of the lot has to be in line with the future value of the completed property. If the land is only used for agricultural purpose, then the valuation is done based on agricultural value. There is a significant difference in value between land entitled and land that is not. However, at this time the difference in value is not at significant as it once was. Finaly, we at this time land for commercial use is in higher demand than residential development.

In term of financing, land values have dropped significantly not only accross California, but in the US in general. The drops that was seen and that we are seeing are related to how fast and high values of improved property had increased in the last 5 years. Land values have drops between 30% and 80% in the past 8 months. When providing financing a lender will look at these issues and then be conservative. On land not entitled LTV will be 25% to 35% on lot LTV will be up to 55%.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fast Funding Reality or Fiction?

Everyday I am contacted because a borrower needs money rapidly. When I say rapidly, I mean within three to four days. While it would be nice to be able to deliver funds this fast in mosst cases it will not happen. For due diligence I contacted a number of other hard money lenders as an informal survey and all agreed that this was not feasible. As you can see I did not say impossible, but realisticaly not feasible.

Hard Money loans are not gambling money, they are loan securitized by colateral which is real estate. The securitization process requires to go through a number of steps. Taking these steps from identifying the property, putting together a loan solution, to recording the loan will take a number of days. In general it is difficult to fund a loan in less than 6 days on average.

As a perspective I have spoken with colleagues that have funded loans in four days. At the same time, I have spoken with colleagues that would not even look at packages unless they have at least 6 to 10 days. If a loan is needed rapidly then but can not be arranged there are a number of alternatives to be considered, from getting an extenssion on a purchase contract and foreclosure to negotiating with different creditors. In most cases this can be achieved succesfuly, only once in my experience this was not possible.

The Basics on Hard Money and CAMB